Purpose-Driven Areogapus. Coffee, Anyone?
The emerging church and its critics have finally found common ground where they can all agree: none of them are fans of Rick Warren or Purpose-Driven™ anything.
Emergents facepalm over “shallow mega-church sell-outs,” while anti-emergents foam at the mouth at Rick Warren’s obvious, 100% confirmed status as the propagator of a False Gospel (and if you don’t agree, they’ll lump you into the same category).
Starbucks has recently printed a series of “As I See It” quotes on their grande- and venti-sized cups. No one seemed concerned at first, until an internet sleuth leaked the news that the series would include a quote from Rick Warren.
Here’s what Rick wrote:
“You are not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but God did. He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose.
“Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.
“Only in God do we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance and our destiny.”
Anti-emergents immediately applied the logical fallacy known as “false equivalence” to link Rick’s quote with all things emerging/missional, and worked themselves into an apoplectic frenzy because the gospel wasn’t “clear enough.” Which, in their minds, reconfirms Rick’s status as a heretic.
I can’t help but have a few thoughts on that (smiles to self while typing).
Real-world Logistics
The printable area on a grande or venti cup is deceptively restrictive. Squeezing a coherent gospel message into the available space would be daunting, if not impossible. “Turn or burn” might fit, but says zilch about Jesus. Favorite proof-texts (e.g., Romans 6:23), without context, are incomplete.
St. Paul at the Areopagus
Skeptical Epicurean and Stoic philosophers offered the Apostle Paul a similar opportunity in Athens (Acts 17:16–34). Paul accepted their invitation, and referenced the Athenians’ “To An Unknown God” altar in his introduction. In other words, he found a cultural touchstone they’d recognize, and used it as a springboard to his gospel message. Some of his listeners wanted to hear more; others sneered.
I can anticipate the “yeah-buts.” Critics will point out that Paul may have begun with the Unknown God analogy, but went on to preach a “clear gospel message.” The quote from Rick Warren, of course, does not.
I couldn’t agree more, which leads me to a burning question …
Are we lazy, small-minded, or both?
Starbucks sells coffee. To that end, they’re also promoters of “third space” café culture: neither workplace nor home, but miniature public squares where people gather and conversations abound.
The gospel of Jesus can’t be reduced to a sound bite, bumper sticker, or venti coffee cup. But instead of shrugging our shoulders or getting all nit-picky critical, we need to open our eyes. Think outside the box.
Like Paul’s “To An Unknown God” reference, Rick Warren’s “As I See It” is a door-opening opportunity.
But only if we get off our sofas and take advantage of it.
I challenge everyone – emerging, anti-emerging, or undecided – to drop by your local Starbucks with a few of your not-yet-Jesus-following friends, relatives, or coworkers. “As I See It” is the opener.
You get to fill in the rest.