
Ive been put on notice, as have several of my nefarious blogging kin, that my website needs a disclaimer. Seriously, like a Surgeon General’s warning?

I briefly toyed with the facetious idea of posting a photo of Darth Vader, superimposed with one of his quotes from Star Wars IV: A New Hope, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” But on second thought, why risk a lawsuit?

A blogger who calls herself “A Former Leader” wrote a funny, yet painfully accurate post about the dangers of thinking outside the institutional box – or at least, reading blogs that encourage thinking outside the institutional box.

She’s also the one who suggested I include the following disclaimer on my blog:

“Beware all who land on this site. This site may enable you to see truth for the first time. Seeing truth may be just what you are looking for but you need to be careful. Once you have tasted truth you will never be able to stomach lies. You are on dangerous ground if you ever want to fit into the established system. You may lose all your friends. You may not have anyone left to worship with. Your children may be left only to you to raise. God will not be controlled any longer. He will be good but no longer safe in that you will not be able to predict His every move.

“And as for many of your friends. You will need to be willing to lose them. They may (probably will) shun you, dismiss you and turn away from you despite what you now may think. You need to think long and hard about this because it will affect your life. Please be careful with this site. Only enter at your own risk.”

(Read her entire post here.)

I resonate with A Former Leader’s longing for true community, honest worship, and finding a place where you “fit.” I’d only add that there are “people of the Spark” all around us, including inside the institutional church.

But they’re probably not in leadership.

Oops ... having just said the quiet part out loud, perhaps A Former Leader’s correct when she suggests my blog needs a disclaimer.

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